With the entrance of Barack Obama, the stakes just got complicated. The stakes are no longer the debates, the election, and the Presidential post itself, but it’s about who is more popular with the public – Mr. Trump or Mr. Obama.
Like him or dislike him or even ignore him, President Trump is popular. To his fan base, he is wildly popular. Well, to put it simply, he is so popular that his opponent Mr. Biden just brought in his old boss, none other than former President Barack Obama, to sit through video advertisements and political endorsements.
Short of announcing the former President as his Vice-Presidential candidate, Mr. Biden is now cashing in on Mr. Obama’s popularity with the public as much as he can. But what does that mean for Election 2020? Perhaps everything or maybe nothing. It depends on how the American public will perceive Mr. Obama’s active endorsements.
Jabs and counter jabs from both Democrats and Republicans set aside, Mr. Biden is seemingly struggling to match the colorful campaign and talking style of President Donald Trump. The latter mercilessly bashes the former Vice-President for being ‘incompetent,’ ‘short on memory,’ and even incapable of holding the Presidential Office.
Mr. Trump’s relentless attacks have had no opponent to counter them. Until now. But the question remains as to how much the former President will interfere in the ongoing election bid by his former Vice-President? Mr. Obama’s endorsements are not unexpected.
President Trump has already launched his attack on Mr. Obama months ago with a term he coined – Obamagate. The alleged spying over his 2016 campaign has had the Presidential sanction to it and was illegal, decried the incumbent President. President Trump is ready to face Mr. Obama’s popularity even if he were to interfere more than mere video endorsements.
But does this also fall into President Trump’s narrative that Mr. Biden is not a strong candidate. This is where Mr. Biden would want to tread very carefully.